When They See Us

Series • 2019 - 2019

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The Guardian

A dense, fast-moving series that examines not just the effects of systemic racism but the effects of all sorts of disenfranchisement.



This was the toughest TV show for me to watch in a long while.



The docudrama tells the true story of the teenagers known as the Central Park Five, who were wrongly convicted of the 1989 rape of a New York City jogger and weren’t exonerated until 2002. It’s one of the most critically acclaimed programs of the season.


The New York Times

But what makes it so devastating is its relentless portrayal of a criminal justice system that locks up, scapegoats and brutalizes black and brown American children with ease and enthusiasm.


Consequence of Sound

Ava DuVernay’s series is a harrowing account of an unforgivable failure of justice and morality, and its artistry and consideration are evident at all turns.


Rotten Tomatoes

Ava DuVernay pulls no punches in When They See Us, laying out the harrowing events endured by the Central Park Five while adding a necessary layer of humanity to their story.



Incredible story, incredible storytelling, incredible people, incredible performances...
