
Movie • 2014

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  • Overview

    In the last months of World War II, as the Allies make their final push in the European theatre, a battle-hardened U.S. Army sergeant named 'Wardaddy' commands a Sherman tank called 'Fury' and its five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

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Roger Ebert

The trouble with 'Fury' is that while stocking up on all the little details, Ayer has failed to provide much of a narrative for them to hang upon.


The Guardian

"Ideals are peaceful, history is violent," Collier tells his new charge, encapsulating the brutal reality of war portrayed in the movie.


The Guardian

Pitt’s action movie about an American tank commander has topped the US box office, showcasing both the boredom and sudden violence of war.



This is one bloody, dirty, violently loud and fierce movie that holds very little back. In that sense it deserves the audience’s respect for not sugar-coating the horrors or war even if it loses its way a little thematically.


The Critical Movie Critics

The story of Fury is harsh, straightforward, swift and breathtaking.


The Hollywood Reporter

Fury is a good, solid World War II movie, nothing more and nothing less.



Fury is a poignant and painful reminder of how much war can take from each of us, it is a film that never wants us to relax and we never do.



'Fury' is a brutal war film that shows war exactly how it should be shown. Its disturbing, its violent, its scary.
