Black Mirror

Series • 2011 -

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Unique, fascinating and highly recommended. 9 stars out of 10.

Rotten Tomatoes

It’s arguable that creator Charlie Brooker’s episodic anthology series Black Mirror is one of the scariest shows on TV — not because it relies on zombie attacks or murderous clowns, but because it shows just how easily phones, computers, and other advancing technology that we are increasingly dependent on can be used against us.

Hollywood Reporter

Over season six, the show she’s on traces a similar arc. Fans of the show’s tech-dystopia thought exercises might be disappointed to see the series cast them off altogether, and the shift in focus still yields as many misses as hits.

The A.V. Club

Featuring stand-alone dramas -- sharp, suspenseful, satirical tales that explore techno-paranoia -- "Black Mirror" is a contemporary reworking of "The Twilight Zone" with stories that tap into the collective unease about the modern world.


Black Mirror Season 5 is one the series' best, with a shorter, stronger, and more captivating collection of episodes.


That's because originality and uncertainty and unpredictability aren't just ingredients in the Black Mirror stew. They are the stew.

Roger Ebert

Nothing on television in recent years, perhaps ever, has more interestingly addressed our national obsession with and reliance upon technology like “Black Mirror."


I would definitely call this show a masterpiece, but I almost gave it a 9 because of the 5th series.