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  • Overview

    Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit enjoying his quiet life, is swept into an epic quest by Gandalf the Grey and thirteen dwarves who seek to reclaim their mountain home from Smaug, the dragon.

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Rotten Tomatoes

The Hobbit, on the other hand, is perfectly capable of backing up its ticket price. And then... Lots. And lots extra.


The Guardian

I liked the film and its measured pace and, except when I found myself looking over the top of my glasses, was largely unaware of the 3D.



The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey almost attains greatness yet despite so many moments of epic fun, greatness remains just out of its reach.


Common Sense Media

Despite issues with length and pacing, there's no denying this is a production worth seeing, especially with kids new to Tolkien's detailed universe.


The Guardian

There can be no doubt that Jackson has made The Hobbit with brio and fun, and Martin Freeman is just right as Bilbo Baggins: he plays it with understatement and charm.



'The Hobbit plays younger and lighter than Fellowship and its follow-ups, but does right by the faithful and has a strength in Martin Freeman's Bilbo.'



The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a classic adventure quest in the making; packed with colorful characters, gorgeous settings and plenty of action, the only setbacks are technical ones.


Rotten Tomatoes

'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' is an expected journey that radiates entertainment, majesty and wonder.
