Apocalypse Now

Movie • 1979

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  • Overview

    At the height of the Vietnam war, Captain Benjamin Willard is sent on a dangerous mission that, officially, "does not exist, nor will it ever exist." His goal is to locate - and eliminate - a mysterious Green Beret Colonel named Walter Kurtz, who has been leading his personal army on illegal guerrilla missions into enemy territory.

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Found on the web

Roger Ebert

"Years and years from now, when Coppola's budget and his problems have long been forgotten, 'Apocalypse' will still stand, I think, as a grand and grave and insanely inspired gesture of filmmaking."


Roger Ebert

"Apocalypse Now" strings together one after another, with the river journey as the connecting link.


The Hollywood Reporter

I can only report that I was held by every minute of its more than two and a half hour playing time, and came away with the firm conviction that this United Artists release is one of the major films of our era.


The New Yorker

Francis Coppola’s direction breaks it, with long, fluid set pieces of horror, into equivalents of the long, fluid paragraphs of the speech of Conrad’s Marlow.



"Apocalypse Now" takes realistic cinema to a new extreme – Coppola virtually creates World War III on screen.


The Guardian

Finally, Apocalypse Now finds its triumph in restating the inhumanity of empire.


The A.V. Club

When novice filmmakers John Milius and George Lucas hatched a plan to adapt Joseph Conrad's psychological adventure…



Apocalypse now is not only the best war film ever made but it's also one of the best films of all time...
