The Godfather

Movie • 1972

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Roger Ebert

During the entire film, this lifelong professional criminal does nothing of which we can really disapprove.

Roger Ebert

Coppola has found a style and a visual look for all this material so 'The Godfather' becomes something of a rarity: a really good movie squeezed from a bestseller.

The New Yorker

"Francis Ford Coppola, who directed the film, and wrote the script with Puzo, has stayed very close to the book’s greased-lightning sensationalism and yet has made a movie with the spaciousness and strength that popular novels such as Dickens’ used to have."

America Magazine

With The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola, at 33 years of age, has become a major new talent among American directors.

The Hollywood Reporter

Brando, with the first part that he would really sink his teeth into in years, emerges as the hero of this production.

The Guardian

Marlon Brando is as hypnotic as a cobra playing ageing gangster patriarch Vito Corleone, his cottonwool jowl-padding giving something extra to that unmistakable adenoidal wheeze.


the film has a lot of terrific mood, one great performance by Pacino, an excellent character segue by Brando, and a strong supporting cast.


The Godfather was beyond amazing. There are so many images, details, and scenes that I seriously cannot get out of my head since watching it for the first time just nine hours ago.