Anyone But You

Movie • 2023

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Roger Ebert

“Anyone But You,” from director Will Gluck and co-writer Ilana Wolpert, has the charm, wit, swoony romance, and, most importantly, star chemistry that has been solely missing from recent lackluster entries in the genre.


'Anyone but You' is a rom-com for the age of antipathy. It is, in many ways, as prefab as a lot of the rom-coms of the '90s and aughts, but there's something zesty and bracing about how it channels the anti-romanticism of the Tinder-meets-MeToo generation.

The Review Geek

Sure, Anyone But You is cute but in a ‘so bad it’s good’ way. Picture a haphazard script full of cringe-worthy dialogues, acting that’s more baffling than believable, and enough awkwardness to make you wish they would put us out of our misery.

Common Sense Media

Expect to see a lot of skin here (including bare breasts and the tip of a penis), sometimes in a sexual context, sometimes not.

The Guardian

Teased with semi-clad on-set pictures of the lead duo for almost a year now, it feels like the most confidently and expensively pushed romcom for a long time.

Jason's Movie Blog

Despite being predictable and a tad formulaic, Anyone But You still manages to find a pleasant rhythm within its story of a couple’s “tit-for-tat” relationship.


Neither brilliant nor dreadful, 'Anyone But You' occupies the middle ground with a formulaic yet visually appealing story.

Rotten Tomatoes

In 2024, a miracle has occurred that could mark the definitive resurrection of romantic comedy on the big screen: the hilarious, insightful, and charming 'Anyone But You'.