House of the Dragon

Series • 2022 -

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The Guardian

House of the Dragon takes its time to drip-feed the down-in-the-dirt baddies that are so enjoyable to rail against.


Season 1 of Game Of Thrones’ prequel finished with a bang – or a dragon snap anyway. After ten episodes House Of The Dragon has established its core cast, introduced us to three generations of Targaryens, and laid the groundwork for a civil war.

The Guardian

It took a while to get there, but by the end of the episode, things are finally motoring.

The Guardian

Fun, propulsive, looking great and sounding passable. And that, after the bizarrely poor finale to what had been a roaring success of a show, is a relief.

Roger Ebert

It’s clear by the end of the first episode that 'House of the Dragon' is the product of people who have deeply analyzed the source material of the work they’re adapting.


"But where the action — the dragon flights, the carnage — on HBO’s former hit was in service of the intrigue among a group of clans, here we’re watching a feud consume a single family."!


After just finishing it I can tell you it's fantastic! While it's not as good as Game of Thrones it's still very good in its own right.


The first season of 'House Of The Dragon' is definitely up there with the best seasons of 'Game Of Thrones'. It's really well-executed, a mature and impeccably written affair from start to finish.